Course online, Virtual or In person ~ Breathwork, Reiki and Chakra Balancing
Would you like to discover your soul's purpose in this lifetime, what would bring you that deep inner fulfillment in life, and what is holding you back from living your best life yet? What can the Akashic Records tell you? Quite simply, the Akashic records can tell you anything you’d ever want to know about anything. If you have questions about your health or someone else’s health, it will answer them. If you want to know something in particular about your loved ones, living or not, it will tell you. If you want to know absolutely anything about your own records, your spirit guides, past lives, or the past lives of your friends and loved ones, it will tell you. If you have questions about your soul’s journey, life purpose, or soul purpose in life, it can answer them. It can tell you whatever it is you want to know because it literally knows everything.
And every time you re-read the information you have received, more information will come through, more insights will be gained, more healing will take place, and a greater sense of awakening will be experienced. As you read through the answers, you may feel an energetic shift taking place, an inner knowing, and even awakening. If you are looking for guidance, a sense of direction, and gain greater clarity about who you are, what you are here to do, and what is keeping you from living the life your heart desires, then getting an Akashic Record reading will give you the answers you seek, to move forward in alignment, and with more ease.
Do you have so many questions about who you are, what your here to do, or why things don't always work out the way you would want them to?
Do you know that so much more is possible for you, that you are meant for more, that you are here for a reason but nothing seems to make sense, and you have no idea what that "more" would be?
Or are you struggling financially, not able to create the success you want to experience, and looking for a solution that will finally end the struggle and financial roller coaster?
Or would you like to find greater meaning in life, create more success, abundance, and freedom in your life, but again, you have no idea where to start?
You keep searching to fill that invisible hole without getting any closer to finally feeling that inner wholeness and fulfillment?
Maybe you have tried to come up with the answers to all your questions but you come up empty-handed. Instead of getting answers, you just end up with more questions?
If that is you, then you have been guided to this page for a reason. They are good for deeper lasting trauma, for clearning patterns that seem to persist and to seek divine wisdom and guidance on why certain things are occuring, your soul path and concerns about health, relationships, career, and awakening to your Highest True Self.
The Akashic Record is the energetic “log” of your soul’s journey, from the time your soul originated from source until the time when you will eventually return home. Your “stops” along the journey—your lifetimes, provide endless opportunities to learn and “perfect” your soul as you evolve beyond your daily challenges. Whether you are a young or ancient soul, the Akashic Record holds the energetic imprint of your thoughts, feelings, memories, actions, our thoughts and desires, our intentions, feelings, emotions, challenges, mistakes, life lessons, overall intention, and everything else that pertains to our existence and deeds experienced in each lifetime. The records are a source of unlimited information that can be used for guidance in our lives. They exist in an energetic realm. Some people believe they are in the mental realm and others describe their location in the astral or spiritual realm.
That means it knows everything about this life, all your future possibilities in this life, your past lives, your future lives, your parallel lives, and everything in between. The Akashic Records can provide you with unlimited guidance for your life. The reading is based on the questions that you ask. Questions can be both specific and general. The best types of questions to ask are those which start with “how, why, or what”, or any question that can be expanded on. An example would be: instead saying “why is my boyfriend bad to me?”. You could ask “What is this teaching me?’ This will give you a much deeper reading than basic “yes or no’ questions. These readings will not only give you clear guidance but also offer deep inner healing and activation as the words that are being transmitted, within the written report, hold light codes of healing and activation.
I will open your Akashic Records at the Libery of Universe by using your full legal name.
Option 1: I will ask any questions and/or problems of your choosing around areas of your concern(s) (health, relationship, career, soul path, etc.) to receive Divine guidance, wisdom and healing from your Akashic Records & Book of Truth.
Option 2: You can get a general Akashic Enlightenment Protocol of clearing energy blocks, needed upgrades, soul part returns, past lives, other dimensional lives or patterns blocking your soul and/or awakening and/or Ascension path and next actions and steps forward.
I will share with you verbally as a stream of consciousness and/or describe what images I am shown clairvoyantly, accessing and clearing up past life karma, Shamanic Soul Retrieval and/or extractions of old or unwanted energies, Aqualorian Crystalline Light Healing and Elohim connection to clear and realign past life karma, and Light Language for Akashic Aura Attunements (DNA cellular upgrades and alignment codes) and Book of Truth dimensional access to bring in new and better futures for your soul’s experience to ascend higher in it’s awareness as it progresses in it's own cosmic life.
In addition, you also get a 60-90 min. follow-up session (depending on the reading package) to discuss your reading, get any additional questions answered and receive profound healing to clear and release blocks, and activate you at the deepest level. What They Are & How to Access
Akashic Records readings can assist you in many ways. They can help you to identify and clear core beliefs and limitations. Discover your life’s purpose. Learn about your past lives and clear your karmic debt. Akashic readings can show you paths to reach your highest potential, and they can also provide profound healing.
I will start off the session with some breathwork and a meditation to bring you into a relaxed state for the Records. Then I will begin the session with channeling what I see, hear, feel, know (downloads) and many session my client's soul as light energy come go or meet me there at Akashic Record and able to listen or read or see your information. Often information that comes through is anything you need to know in this now moment that is for your highest, greatest good from your loved ones, masters and teachers. If your questions are not answered here we will get to them by the end of the session.
Many Amazing Benefits of an Akashic Records Reading
Know your life’s purpose Access the highest level of divine guidance available
Discover & heal past life trauma. Sometimes, past life trauma gets encoded in “memory"
Meet past life allies to reawaken gifts, talents, and abilities.
Untangle and clear your karma Identify your soul’s core traits that contribute to your human personality
Better understand your pattern of interactions with others
Explain troublesome or challenging circumstances
Recognize any blocks to achieving your goals and highest potential
Learn about your past lives
You may also come away with a stronger sense of your mission and purpose because of information gleaned from the Akashic Records
Emotionally cleansing experience when you visit the Akashic Records Clear blocks and limitations
Identify and change core beliefs that no longer serve you
Relieve anxieties
Heal at a physical, emotional, and spiritual level
Enhance your soul progression
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